Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ask and you shall receive!!!

For my first semester since I came to college, I was actually on the job hunt this semester. I've been checking the school's employment website and they didn't have any openings in the library, AND the pottery painting place down the street wasn't hiring either. I'm pretty picky when it comes to jobs (I guess because I've never really needed one), so this was making me very sad. I was starting to feel a little hopeless about getting one of the jobs I'd actually been interested in, when POW! God dropped one in my lap today :] I was on my way back to College Station and one of my professors called me and offered me a position as an Undergraduate Peer Mentor :] It's through the Education department and deals with all the writing courses. I'll basically be assigned to one teacher's class/classes, and I'll help with grading and whatever else they need. I'll also have office hours throughout the week where I'll have to be able to help my "fellow students." PLUS, it will be really good experience for when I actually start teaching. Yay, yay, yay, I'm excited!!!!! :]

"Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full." John 16:24b

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