Monday, March 30, 2009

Casey, I'm jumping on the bandwagon!

So, after reading Casey's new blog, I have decided that I want to start being more healthy as well. I've been thinking this for a while, but... come on. It's Brenham. Blue Bell is EVERYWHERE! However, I felt very inspired/motivated by Casey, so now I am on board too. My changes aren't super drastic, but here they are.

1. I'm going to quit eating fried food... again. There was never any substantial difference in my weight the whole year I did this, but it made me feel better.
2. Taking vitamins! Why are moms always right?
3. Not eating candy! Except dark chocolate, because it's good for your heart :]
4. Definitely limiting my ice cream intake!!! 3 times a week... tops.
5. I am only going to eat all-natural snacks. Fruits, veggies, nuts, etc.

If you see me doing (or not doing) any of these things, please punch me in the face. Thanks!

College interferes with the important things in my life.

Like blogging. And reading books I actually like. And making things.

But I only have a little over a month left! I have mixed feelings on this matter. I'm VERY excited to be done at Blinn. Class wise, this has probably been my least favorite semester. It can't end soon enough! But... I will be very sad to be leaving Brenham :[ Even though I'm super excited to be at A&M next year, I have come to really love my little life here and I will miss it a lot. Ugh, I can't think about it anymore!

On to a happier subject: WINNING!
We had our first dance competition in Denton Saturday and we WON! :] We beat our big rival, McLennan for the second year in a row which is a huge accomplishment in itself. And we beat them by 5 whole points! As if this news wasn't fantastic enough on its own, Coach told us that they have split up our division at nationals. Rather than consisting of over 20 teams, they are going to split it up into a small university category and a junior college category. Last year we placed 6th, but we were the top scoring junior college so there is a very good chance we could win the whole thing this year! Especially since our main competition is McLennan, who we just beat :] And if we win, we get rings! Like big, pretty national championship rings! There will be 6 teams in finals, so no matter what we will at least place higher than Blinn ever has. Oh yes, Daytona is definitely looking up :]

I'm super behind on blogging, but thanks to all the lovely ladies who celebrated my birthday with me and especially to Steph for getting everything organized. I love yall :]

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blinn's got talent!

Well, it has a talent show at least. It is next Tuesday night at 7 and John and I are both in it! Not together though. He's singing/playing an original song with his friend Matt and I'm dancing because that's all I do... except read, but I don't think that would fire up a lot of excitement on stage :]

Wish us luck!