Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm going to be the prayer giver!

I don't know if that's technically the right term, but whatever.
Next Saturday we have a big sports booster/alumni banquet and Coach just emailed me and asked me if I would give the prayer. I'm nervous! I've never done anything like that before. I don't think I've ever even done one of the prayers before we go on the field or at small group or anything. But I couldn't think of a reason to say no... besides being scared... which I figure I will just have to get over. I remember this amazing lady I know told me that if we're brave enough to speak to the Creator of EVERYTHING, we should be brave enough to do it in front of people. So I'm going to be brave!

Any tips?
Is it okay to like prepare a prayer?
Oh goodness....


Steph said...

Oh...That's awesome! You're gonna do great!

As far as preparing, I would just think about what you hope God would do on your campus and amongst the athletes. and pray for those things. i know that there is much to pray for.

when do you do this?

Erica Dirba said...

A week from tomorrow! I'll make sure and consult with yall lol.

See you Sunday!!! :]