Saturday, January 3, 2009


I am so over work. I've been back 4 weeks and they STILL haven't reviewed me on register. So, for 4 WEEKS I have been the greeter... not fun. While I was standing around bored waiting for people to "greet" I started flipping through this book on our sale shelf. It's called "Life Overs: Upside-Down Ways to Become More Like Jesus" by Gracie Malone. It's a study over all the different "backwards" aspects of Christianity. (Ex: We must die to live, the last will be the first, we receive when we give, etc.) So I decided for 6 bucks I would give it a shot. I went through a chapter the other night and was very pleasantly surprised.

The first chapter I went through was about Pride. One quote that really caught my attention was "Humility is not having a low opinion of ourselves; it is having an accurate opinion." That seems like such a good point to me. So often we are taught that humility is the opposite of pride. But, if pride is being full of ourselves, then humility would mean we think nothing of ourselves, right? Like, we're worthless. However, this seems just as bad as being proud. When we're proud, we act as if we deserve the glory in our lives, rather than giving it to God. But if we have a "low opinion" of ourselves isn't that just as bad? I mean in a sense, wouldn't that mean we are basically telling God He created us wrong, or "not good enough?" And wouldn't that circle right back around to being proud? I mean, how can we "humbly" tell the Creator of EVERYTHING that He made a mistake in us? To me, that screams arrogance.

I like books that make me think :] I would love some feedback! Hopefully I'll have more "blog worthy" thoughts soon.

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