Thursday, August 14, 2008

Failing Forward

So as I was cleaning my desk out and getting things ready to move back up to Brenham (Yay!!!), I found a packet I had gotten from some speaker on positive attitudes at the All-State dance convention senior year. I was reading through it and spotted where I had highlighted "fail forward!" It was followed by this quote from John C. Maxwell- "The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure." I'm really hard on myself, so this was kind of a nice reminder that I don't have to do everything perfectly, I just have to grow from it instead of dwelling on it... which I'm really bad about :/ But now that I've had this nice little reminder I'll get better! :]

Best of times: Holly, Alex and I went and saw the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 and ate at Chili's last night. It was really fun, I wish Holly was moving in with me!


Worst of times: Court.

And my dad's not coming to help us move me up tomorrow because he helped yesterday and diesel's too expensive to pay for another trip. But he can buy a motorcycle. And a HUGE new big black truck that's jacked up 15 stories high. And a lot of gross stupid rock cd's to play in it. And an iPhone. Speaking of his iPhone, I asked him if I could play with it on the way home yesterday. Really I was just snooping. He has a picture of "the harlot" (as John so affectionately nicknamed her). She has fake-baked cancer skin. My mom's way prettier. And when he was on the phone with her I could hear her voice and I couldn't understand what she was saying but her voice sounds like a stupid chihuahua.

I'm so glad I'm leaving.

1 comment:

Justin Hyde said...

Keep the love coming! I need more comments than Casey! Many more vlogs ahead.