Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Today is not the day to be driving down W. Alamo St!

Ever since this rain came, all I have heard is squealing tires outside my window. John and I heard a really loud, fast one with a big pop last night, but there was no one there when we looked outside. Maybe someone had a blowout.

This morning while I was getting ready for class I heard more squealing and a thud. I just stood there for a minute, but didn't think that sounded loud enough to have been a wreck or anything serious. I looked out my window and didn't see anything, so I went back to getting ready. A few minutes later when I walked out the door there were firetrucks and ambulances and cop cars all zooming around the circle. I couldn't see what was going on because there were so many vehicles, but apparently it had been a serious wreck! John said he saw them cleaning it up when he got back and the car was totaled. When we went back on campus to finish our finals we drove by and saw big muddy skid marks in the hill. Apparently it wasn't loud because they just ran into straight ground.

As if that wasn't enough excitement for one day! I was just trying to take a nap when all of a sudden I heard VERY loud, VERY fast squealing, followed by a VERY loud crash. This was immediately followed by sirens and cop cars. I ran to my window again and the first thing I saw was a bunch of people pinning some guy to the ground. Apparently I had caught the end of a chase scene! The cops got him and threw him in the car right away. There was a motorcycle laying down across the street next to the guard rail. I don't know what happened obviously, but there were a lot more cop cars at this incident. An ambulance came and they put the guy in the cop car on a stretcher. He looked so little and young :[

Everytime Rebecca sees someone on a motorcycle since my dad's accident she says "they'll be sorry!" Looks like she knows what she's talking about...

Everyone, please drive safely over the holidays!!!

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