Thursday, October 8, 2009

RIP Teddy :[

My baby's dead :[

My sister ran over him. I'm not mad at her. I know it was an accident. He was really bad about running at/around cars.

She ran over him Tuesday morning. She wasn't even driving like the crazy new driver she is. She was backing out to leave and didn't see him run in front of her when she went to pull out. I had a test that afternoon so no one told me. I appreciate that, especially because I had been studying really hard and actually think I did really, really well on my test. It's just weird to know that everyone else knew and didn't tell me. But again, I'm not mad. I don't feel like they were lying to me. I understand.

My sister called John because she didn't know how to tell me. He (being the knight in shining armor that he is) told her he'd tell me, so he could be in person and comfort me when I inevitably had a meltdown. I appreciate that too.

John and I had been planning "Wednesday fun day!" all week. We didn't really have PLANS. We were just going to get out. Spend some good quality time together. Celebrate being done with our first round of tests. I had been looking forward to it so much all week. John knew that and didn't want to ruin our special time, so he was going to tell me Wednesday night after Bible study. I appreciate that too, and I really wish that was how it would have happened.

Instead, I got an email from my grandma on my way to pick him up for class to get "Wednesday fun day" started. I only read the first line: "My condolences on the loss of your Teddy." I instantly called my mom and then she was forced to break it to me. I was sobbing when I pulled up to get John. My grandma thought they were going to tell me the night before. I'm not mad at her either. It was nice of her to care. Just unfortunate the way it played out. Needless to say, "fun day" wasn't very fun. Especially when we realized at 6:30 that Bible study started at 7 instead of 8 like we'd been thinking, invoking another meltdown. We did end up finding a really good new Mexican food restaurant for dinner at least...

My dad went out and buried him for me today. He even made him a little tombstone. That was nice.

I'm so sad :[ SO sad. And I'm not even that crazy of a pet person. It's just... so sad. I've been blessed enough not to ever really even have to deal with any human deaths before. Just my great-grandparents, but I was pretty young and it wasn't anything traumatic. Plus, Teddy really was my baby. He was my first puppy that was all mine. He was my roommate last year when I lived by myself. I trained him and let him sleep with me every night and loved him so much :[ He didn't even get to have his first birthday.

RIP Teddy. I love you. You were a good dog.


Steph said...

So sorry, Love! He was a sweet dog.

I hate not getting to see you this week...especially on such a sad week :(. Maybe, B and I will come to CS next week.

Love you.

Gabriele said...

Oh Erica, I'm so sad for you. What a horrible event and an even more horrible way to find out. So sorry!