Monday, August 17, 2009

Anyone fluent in the 5 love languages?

I've been reading the singles edition, and its actually pretty interesting. I don't know if I'm totally on board, but it has given me a lot to think about, and at least opened my eyes to different ways of expressing love and appreciation. I've been trying to guess my family member's languages and practice speaking them a little bit more. Nothing has really changed, but at least it makes me aware instead of just not even worrying about it.

One relationship where this theory actually seems to make a lot of sense is between me and John. For whatever reason, we fight a LOT more when we're apart. It doesn't make summer too enjoyable. But, after reading that book I've kind of guessed that John's primary love language is physical touch and mine is quality time. Obviously, these are a little more difficult to act on over long distances, so maybe that has something to do with our crankiness? It's a theory.

Just curious if any of yall have read any of the Love Language books (Gary Chapman) and what yall thought.

1 comment:

Gabriele said...

I use it pretty consistently with my clients, in particular couples. I don't think everyone fits into it like a cookie cutter, and I think most people have more than one love language, but it really does open people's eyes to see that we all need love in different ways. It's also easy to explain without people having to read it...which I find helpful. Anyway, I also am a quality time person, and Andy is a words guy. We both have to make efforts to really speak to each others love language, and when I don't get enough quality time it is obvious :) Sorry for the long comment, but I think you are right on with the increased amount of fighting and what may really be the cause. Thankfully though, you will both be closer together soon!! Miss you guys!! Good luck with the start of school!!!