Wednesday, August 19, 2009

So long, studio.

I taught my last round of classes at the studio tonight. I can't really say I'm going to miss it. It was fun and everyone was super sweet and what not, but its just not what I want to do. It opened my eyes that much more to the fact that I want to be a director. I just love the family-ness of a team, where its not just a group of people you teach once a week, but kids you get to really know and spend pretty much every day with. Plus, I'm a drill team addict. I love the boots and hats and all the silly little traditions. I'm headed back up to Columbus tomorrow (for the 3rd time this summer! I've been quite a hit, if I do say so myself :] ), so hopefully that will just prove this theory even more.

I move to College Station Sunday!!!!! :]

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