Friday, January 2, 2009

1st post of 2009!

It's already the new year and I haven't even done an official Christmas post yet! What a slacker.

John came to Christmas with my family. We both got books for Christmas, so we sat on the porch all night and he drank coffee while I drank hot chocolate and we read our books. It was heavenly :] We took pictures with all the pretty decorations in Fredericksburg on the way back home and took a carriage ride in Johnson City.

I also went to Christmas with his family and they literally showered me with gifts. I was so surprised. They're so sweet and always make me feel so welcome, like I'm already part of the family :]

As far as gifts go, this was the best Christmas I've had in a long time. All my family members who usually give me random gifts that are just... well, random, gave me books. I love books! :] I also have all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls now. I definitely have more than enough entertainment to last me the rest of the semester. Plus, I actually felt that the gifts I gave were meaningful and appreciated. I got the frame all together for my grandparents and it turned out really beautiful. They were so proud of it. I found a wrought iron wall cross that had frames in it for my mom. It was absolutely perfect. I also made quite a few of Steph's cute little letter blocks and they were a big hit.
My favorite gifts would be my ring from John (NOT an engagement ring! Sorry for the scare Steph ;] ), the iPhone my dad gave me, and I FINALLY got the thing I've wanted every Christmas for my whole life.... A PUPPY! I was sooooooo excited :] My mom got us the teensiest little chihuahua I've ever seen in my life. She's so ugly that she's super cute :] She has HUGE ears and eyes and waddles around like a pig and its just so ridiculous! I love her :] She still doesn't have a name... We thought she was Sophie, and she's been Bitsy the past few days, but nothing really seems right yet.

I spent new years eve and the past few days with John's family. His puppies have gotten big! They're pretty ridiculous too. They remind me of groundhogs, and walruses, and platypuses... platypi? I haven't quite figured that last one out yet...

1st picture of 2009 ♥

I'll be back in Brenham soon! I can't wait to see everyone :]


Steph said...

Great Pics!!! I love the one of you and your mom and sisters! Of course, you and John always take great pictures together.'s kind of disgusting! :)

I loved seeing you guys yesterday. I can't wait for you to be back!

What am I going to do in the summer, Erica?! WHAT?!!!!!

Erica Dirba said...

The summer? What about all next year???? :[